And the sun crosses the celestial equator

Both sides are equally illuminated

The edge between night and day, the moment of equilibrium

Before the rise and the growth

I come back from the underworld, and I will become again

my words are my world

Somewhere beyond the limits of imagination lies a realm where the known converges with the unfamiliar, where dreams resonate with reality, and where visuals mirror fragments of the subconscious.

In the deep blue, I play with words

Would you play with me ?

Will our minds shine ?

I dissected Faust to understand the anatomy of the Human mind

I dissected Faust to understand the duality of human nature, the light and the darkness, the hope and the distress. This duality reflects the ongoing conflict within the human psyche between rationality and instinct, intellect and emotion.

Faust's existential quest for meaning and purpose mirrors a fundamental aspect of the human condition.

Should I accept that there is something that I do not understand?

My human thoughts

I am many, I am unique, I am human.

No one else is me, It is only me who is me.

My human thoughts are universal, they transcend all boundaries.